

Trade Shares

Trade Shares with SeguroFX

"Why trade Shares with SeguroFX?"

We offer consistently low spreads starting from 0.1% on Apple (AAPL), Facebook (FB), and Alphabet (GOOL).

Speculate on thousands of Shares listed in over 20 countries, from large companies to IPOs.

Analyse earnings with advanced indicators and instant execution through our award-winning platform.

Enjoy access to free, exclusive trading webinars to keep improving your Shares trading strategy.

Shares trading costs

View our spreads and trading costs for Barclays, Lloyds, Apple, Facebook and thousands more.

Not all stocks that are available to trade appear on our platform. If you are unable to find a specific stock simply email our team at [email protected] or call to find about your desired market and how to trade it with SeguroFX.

Learn Shares Trading

Learn Shares Trading
Study stock and share trends and build your own reliable trading strategy.

Steps to trade Shares
Learn how to place your first Shares trade.

Shares trading tips and strategies
Ideas, tips and trading strategies to help you trade with confidence.